About Safa Group Of Institution


“Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.”

Quran: Surah Al-Asr

A Muslim community thrives, grows and succeeds only when it is sensitive to the needs of not only those who are a part of it but also those who should be under its fold. As people of faith it becomes our primary duty to not only spread the word of Allah but also to reach out to those whose hearts and homes have become deprived of the light of Islam. There can be no better way to rekindle this light than to reach the hearts of the young ummah through education that opens up the horizons of thought and urges the mind to think and heart to contemplate. 

With this vision of reaching out to the most remote parts of India to connect children with their creator and empower them to make the choices that plant them firm on the straight path, Safa Group of Institutions has started a group of schools in the villages of India starting with Uttar Pradesh. The intention is to help the students realize their actual role in this world and hone their skills to fulfill this role.

For this noble cause SGI proposed a school concept that encapsulates a gloriously ambitious goal that would not only guide the minority education community towards progress across many educational outcomes, but, in doing so, would also facilitate sustainable, social and economic development for communities.


Our Vision:

The Safa Education Academy is dedicatedly working to bring about a world where each and every child has easy access to the best possible education and earn academic excellence in the present age of the toughest competition. All this with complete preservation of his / her moral values, social standards and self-respect. Only such students could develop into the best human asset, and could learn how to lead a successful and prosperous life both here and in the Hereafter.


Our Mission: 

The Academy is endeavoring to achieve three main components.

  • Achievement of educational parity with other communities living in the country in an environment of safety and security without compromising the dictates of Islamic teachings. 
  •  Character building in lines with the high moral Islamic teachings under the guidance of the Holy Scripture and the Hadith of the Holy Messenger of Allah.
  •  Serving both the nation and the community in the spirit of solicitude and sincerity


Who are we ?

SAFA, a well- known Education Academy in northern India, symbolizes a revolutionary chain of educational institutions imparting contemporary education to the growing Muslim generations at a number of places both in townships and rural areas across the western districts of Uttar Pradesh.


What do we do ?

Committed to strive hard for bringing educational revolution in the Muslim community, the Academy is working towards imparting quality education to all the sections of Muslim society in common and to the underprivileged ones in particular with special focus on the promotion of Islamic moral values. All the efforts the academy is making under a solicitous, committed and dedicated team of activists and workers in this respect are intended to impart the young Muslim generations the quality education and equipping them with professional education, thereby to bring about a sincere, conscientious and prudent Muslim leadership able to serve both, the nation and the community in the best possible way.


Our Approach:

In the last 6 years starting from 2017, Safa group of Institution has for now selected 5 districts of western Uttar Pradesh and with the available limited resources has successfully established 9 institutions with the intention of providing them with affordable and accessible value based quality education.

With the Safa Group of Institutions project we intend to uplift the economically impacted and spiritually disconnected communities of India that are in dire need of Quality education and strengthening of value systems. SGI intends to 


  • To strengthen literacy and numeracy among children of age group 3 to 14
  • To inculcate in them a passion for learning
  • To help them connect with the world and empower them to innovate to strengthen their own community
  • Provides balanced exposure to culture, values and spirituality all the while maintaining a modern outlook
  • To  develop the learning Centre as a Centre of excellence and community upliftment